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I see what needs done, take action, and work productively. I also believe firmly that God arranges personal and professional opportunities to serve Him in ways that utilize our skills and abilities to contribute to a company’s success. 


With a wide-range of work experience I am able to assist small businesses with a variety of marketing needs. I can assess your current strengths, target market, specific needs and overall goals to provide recommendations, strategy suggestions and execution of those strategies. Working with small businesses who represent a variety of needs is a perfect fit. Basically, my goal is to assist you in your marketing efforts, so that you don't have to worry about that area of your business.

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Allie Canterbury
Owner & Lead Consultant

Allie has been working in Marketing, Sales and Advertising for over a decade. Through various roles ranging from Account Management and Marketing for CPGs to Brand Management at ad agencies, she has crafted her creativity, communication and planning skills into a passion for Marketing and small business. 


Allie is a proud wife to Ralph and Mom to sons, Owen and Abram. In her spare time, she loves to sing at church, hike, kayak, garden and spend time with  family. 

© 2020 by Be Blessed Marketing

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